Q: How to order ?
Place an order inquiry by sending an e-mail to sales@sookcollection.co.nz including the following details:
- Product name (usually described under the picture of a specific art/craft work)
- Optional customizations i.e. materials, colors, patterns, shapes, words, etc.
- Your name and contact details.
Then, Sook Collection will
response as
soon as possible by an e-mail including all of the details
i.e. price, delivery time, payment methods, etc.
How long does it take to be delivered if I oder now ?
Collection will tell you how long it takes to be delivered in the
response to your order request. Even though Sook Collection will
endeavor to deliver your orders as soon as possible it may
take longer than other
similar products available in the market if any because every product of Sook
Collection is an
original hand-crafted work of the artist Sook herself. For example,
cushion may take a week to be delivered.
How can I pay ?
credit terms have been expressly agreed by Sook Collection, payment for
the art/craft works shall be made in full before physical delivery of
the art/craft works. We will not deliver them until payment has been
confirmed. Customer shall pay for all shipping and handling charges.
Customer shall bear all country, provincial, government, state and
local sales, use, goods and services, value added, excise, privilege
and similar levies/taxes.
Collection accepts the
following payment options for purchasing art/craft works
a bank
deposit advice slip (Available at any Bank) with the information below
and deposit
along with your cheque or cash at that Bank . Please write your name on
the deposit advice slip
fax to us. Please be aware that banks usually clear direct debits overnight, so allow an extra day for delivery.
Number: 010819-0333567-00
Our Bank: ANZ
Branch: Riccarton
Reference: Website Order - <your name>
Q: What kind of
customizations are possible for the craft works ?
It depends on what type of
craft works you are requiring but generally i.e. theme, design,
patterns, colors, materials, etc.
What kind of options are available for cushion inners ?
Normally, duck feathers or polyester fiber.